
Friends and neighbours of the Seven Stars

No business can ever enjoy continued success without having good friends and neighbours that have helped and supported it, and the Seven Stars is no exception. So we have listed below the people we deal with in recognition of their great products and services, alphabetically of course so no-one gets upset.

Baristas Coffee. One of the best quirky independent coffee shops you’ll find. Open early, and just around the corner.

Brew Bristol. The new beer shop in Bristol selling craft beers, traditional and innovative bottled beers and home brewing supplies.

Bristol Radical History Group ( ),For more information on the Seven Stars history and the abolition of slavery.

CAMRA thats the Campaign for Real Ale people ( ),the ultimate driving force behind making sure that bland nationally produced “beer” (you can’t call it real ale) is kept far far away from pubs like ours.

The FLEECE. Legendary live music venue established in 1982, a must for music lovers and students.

Pints West ( ), Anchored by Steve Plumridge, the must have read for whats happening, what has happened and what will happen in the pubs and inns around Bristol. Its produced quarterly and distibuted free to some 8000 outlets.
